Monday, December 24, 2007

Fire Isiah

What else is new, right? Don't we all sometimes wake up late in the night, with that familiar refrain singing in the closed chorus halls of our unconscious ... "Fire Isiah, Fire Isiah, Fire Isiah, Fire Isiah, Fire Isiah?"

Thankfully, The Onion is always ready at hand to satirize our worst and best excesses. Behold, a
Knicks board meeting grows rowdy.

As for the chant itself, I feel it's growing a bit tired. Not that it should ever stop. Let the Garden rafters ring with our cries of ire and sadness. But we should all reward cleverness above all in sporting catcalls. Originality, too.

Well, I'm no master of brevity or the witty putdown. But there's a lot of material to work with here: anything negative about popcorn, how Zeke rode Laimbeer's coattails to two rings, the Pacers called and they want Isiah back because now they don't have an excuse for being mediocre. Any foible, any chink in the armor is fair game when the battle is against pure idiocy and incompetence.

Go forth, Knicks fans and warriors, and revel in the havoc you can create. When a tear rolls down Isiah's face during a game, we'll all go out for a drink ... and then burn him in effigy.

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